- Marik's WTB List -
Mmkay I'd like these following items below.. If you have them, send me a whisper in game or post here..
---- WTB ----
Green Necro Death Staff[Bortaks,Ghial's etc.]
Zodiac Axe 14-15>50 Req 11-13[Will take lower require depending on price.]
Zodiac Axe +15% Always Req 11-13[Will take lower require depending on price.]
Zodiac Axe 14-15% Stance Req 11-13[Will take lower require depending on price]
+45[Stance] -2[Stance] Shield.. Any req as long as it's strength.
+30[Always] -2[Stance] Shield.. Any require as long as it's strength.
All I really want to buy at the moment, if I can think of anything else i'll add it on to here.
IGN Marik Strife.